We are the dreamers.

We are the makers.

Jon and Melissa are The Punch House. They are the creative dynamos behind The Punch House Winery and Tasting Experience.

Every good story has a magical beginning and ours is no different. So here it goes.

Once upon a time, we met each other and fell madly and deeply in love. We went on many wild adventures; one of which we discovered wine and also fell in love with it. We knew we wanted to make amazing wine right here in Oregon, but only if we stuck to certain strict rules: 1) Respect the process and the ingredients. 2) Respect the people we’re making it for. 3) Don’t be led by money, but by the process and the people. 4) It’s always about quality, and can never be about quantity. Re:Thomas Keller’s culinary “law of diminishing returns”. Less is more.

We aren’t settled with just ok wine; our wines have to be amazing, with each vintage being better than the last. Our motto is “slay the unimaginative dragon”, which means the wines we craft here on our property will be our best effort and never be just “ok”.

The Punch House has truly been in the making for over twenty years, we just didn’t know it yet. Melissa having careers in the food, hospitality, and bed-side nursing prepared her for growing the front-of-house portion of The Punch House. Jon’s life-spanning careers involved a quick stint in the film industry, restaurant service, and working for local wineries in both customer service and the wine production side.

People often ask “How did you come up with the name The Punch House?” And the best answer is there is no other name that would work. Our first vintage was in a small house shaped outbuilding that could barely fit one bin of fermenting grapes through the door. The original Punch House. We also identify as a “Juice House” that is on a quest to make the finest wines and served in an ambiance that transforms your tasting experience into exceptional.

Our Tasting Experience located at 9115 Blackwell Road, Central Point Oregon is the best way to enjoy The Punch House wine. As you enter through the curtain, hang out and enjoy yourself. We’ve taken care of everything.